We specialize in the fabrication and installation of copper items, ranging from roof panels, flashing, and gutters to ornate rain boxes, specialty items, and art pieces.
There are 29 protons in a copper atom ~ Thus the name 29protons!

Click here to learn more about the copper half round, radius half round, internal gutters, leaf-catch boxes, scupper boxes, and ornate leader heads or conductor heads I fabricate and install.

Click here to learn more about the copper awning, bay window, entry, turret, and dome roofs I fabricate and install.

Click here to explore the endless ways copper's exquisite warmth and everlasting functionality can complement your exterior landscape and inside spaces!

My name is Odin Morris. I am the owner/operator of 29protons LLC. My shop is located close-in off Broadway in Portland, Oregon; from here, I prepare copper panels and flashing for roofs, as well as shape, weld, braze, solder, grind, sand, rivet, peen, form, and fuse—to fit—the details your project requires. Please call or email us to discuss a potential project.
Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!